George Annor, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor, General Mills Endowed Professor in Cereal Chemistry and Technology

University of Minnesota 2016-Present

Past Positions

Research Scientist, Megazyme International Ireland, 2015-2016

Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Guelph, 2014-2014

Faculty Member, University of Ghana (Legon), 2008-2016

Teaching Assistant, University of Ghana (Legon), 2007-2008

Senior Research Assistant, University of Ghana (Legon), 2004-2007


[email protected]

145 Food Science and Nutrition Building

1334 Eckles Avenue
United States



Dr. George A. Annor is an Assistant Professor of Cereal Chemistry and Technology at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota. He is also the chair for the General Mills Endowed Professorship in Cereal Chemistry and Technology. Dr. Annor obtained his Ph.D. in Food Science in the Department of Food Science at the University of Guelph, Canada with Koushik Seetharaman (1966-2014). Dr. Annor’s Ph.D research focused on characterizing the fine structure of millet starches and also understanding why millets are slowly digestible. Prior to that, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Food Science in 2001 in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Ghana, Legon-Accra and went on to receive a Master’s in Food Science in the same department, where he also became a faculty member in 2008. He has experience in the application of statistics in process optimization and has experience in industrial collaborations. He has collaborated with companies such as Megazyme International, Ireland, Ajinomoto Inc, Japan and Biofern INC, Canada. He has also worked with international organizations such as the World Food Program (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. 

Current Membership in Professional Organizations

University of Minnesota Plant Breeding Center, 2020-Present

Center for Integrated natural Resources and Agricultural Management, 2020-Present

Plant Protein and Innovation Center (PPIC), University of Minnesota, 2019-Present

Phi Tau Sigma (The Honor Society for Food Science and Technology), 2017-Present

Institute of Food Technologist (IFT), 2012-Present

Cereals and Grains Association (Formally AACCI), 2011-Present

Honors and Awards

Acknowledgement for Dedication to Student Learning (2022)

Robert Orr Lawson Scholarship, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada (2012)

International Graduate Students Scholarship, University of Guelph Graduate Students’ assistantship to pursue PhD at the University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada (2010)

ILTAB/IPBO Grant to attend Global Cassava Partnership I Conference, Ghent, Belgium (2008) 

Bean Cowpea/ CRSP Grant to attend 10th ASEAN Food Conference, Malaysia (2007)

International Nutrition Foundation/Ellison Medical Foundation Fellowship to attend Bioavailability, Chaing Mai, Thailand (2006)

International Nutrition Foundation/Ellison Medical Foundation Fellowship to attend the 18th International Congress of Nutrition. Durban, South Africa (2005)


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Professional Duties (Past and Present)

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. (2011 - 2014).

Coordinator for the West African Food Data Systems (WAFOODS) (2010- Present).
Administrator for the International Foundation for Science (IFS)/ African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) workshops on Proposal and Scientific Writing. (2008-2010).


He's a dog person.

George Annor